34. Archaeological area – Ex Conventino (Former Convent)

34. Archaeological area – Ex Conventino (Former Convent)

Archaeological excavations within the territory of Lodi Vecchio can be dated back to the Nineteenth century: commissioned by the aristocratic Cavezzali family, the survey of the ancient Laus started from the area of the presumed forum, in search of valuable objects with which to furnish the rooms and gardens of its own town home in Lodi.

In piazza Santa Maria, the probable area of the Roman forum, we find today the building of the Ex Conventino: a short distance from the medieval building the archaeological area accessible to the public and visible from the Piazza itself, was brought to light. Along the presumed decuman (via Giovanni XXIII), the remains belonging to the theatre and amphitheatre are still partially visible to the eye of the visitor.

The building called the Ex Conventino was built on the remains of the Romanesque facade of the former Cathedral of Santa Maria. From the historical point of view some important moments of the transformations of this complex have been identified which make the importance and the significance of the architectural findings stand out.

Opening days and timetables: guided tours by request


Archaeological excavations within the territory of Lodi Vecchio can be dated back to the Nineteenth century: commissioned by the aristocratic Cavezzali family, the survey of the ancient Laus started from the area of the presumed forum, in search of valuable objects with which to furnish the rooms and gardens of its own town home in Lodi.

In piazza Santa Maria, the probable area of the Roman forum, we find today the building of the Ex Conventino: a short distance from the medieval building the archaeological area accessible to the public and visible from the Piazza itself, was brought to light. Along the presumed decuman (via Giovanni XXIII), the remains belonging to the theatre and amphitheatre are still partially visible to the eye of the visitor.

The building called the Ex Conventino was built on the remains of the Romanesque facade of the former Cathedral of Santa Maria. From the historical point of view some important moments of the transformations of this complex have been identified which make the importance and the significance of the architectural findings stand out.

Opening days and timetables: guided tours by request


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